Astrorum Consulting LLC

Culpa non est Astrorum . . .

can be translated most directly as “the fault is not in the stars,” indicating a rejection of astrology for astronomy and thus a favoring of the scientific method.  It also mimics a line from the conversation between Brutus and Cassius in Act I, Scene 2 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar:  “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars // But in ourselves …,” the purport of which is that it is not fate but rather our own choices that make our future.  Additionally, it evokes the John Green novel The Fault in our Stars, officially billed as a “young adult” novel but really one of the better bits of fiction in recent release.  Finally, it is also a double entendre in Latin, whose alternative rendering is “It is not the property of (the company) Astrorum to make mistakes!”
